2024 Aerospace Extrusions

2024 Aircraft Extrusion

2024 Aerospace Extrusions

2024 is the oldest of all aircraft aluminum alloy with the main alloying element being copper. They require solution heat-treatment to obtain optimum properties. Applications that require high strength to weight ratio, as well as good fatigue resistance. It is weldable only through friction welding, and has average machinability. Due to its high strength and fatigue resistance, 2024 is widely used in aircraft structures, especially wing and fuselage structures under tension. 2024 comes in different tempers.

The majority of vintage and light aircraft use 2024 aluminum alloy in the skin and airframe.

Where to buy 2024 Aerospace Extrusion.

Aircraft Extrusion Co stocks aluminum extrusions in 2024, 6061 and 7075. With over 20,000 shapes available in solid and hollow. We provide support to machine shops, OEM and support AOG service to airlines, third party maintenace fasilities worldwide.

How we can help

Our prints go back to the 1930's. We can make as little as 12ft, and if it's a relatively common shape we will not charge for the die. In addition to the extruded shape we go beyond, offering:

Mechanical Properties for 2024-T3511

Unlike bar and plate, aerospace profiles tensile and yield vary slightly depending on the wall thickness. Most sites provide limited information. The table below is taken from the 2017 Aluminum Standards and Data


Each alloy has a different temper or hardness. This temper translates into tensile strength and yield strength. Tensile strength is the point at which when the extrusion is pulled apart will snap. Yield strength is the point at which the extrusion is bent beyond its limits.

Where to buy 2024 Aerospace Extrusion.

Aircraft Extrusion Co stocks aluminum extrusions in 2024, 6061 and 7075. With over 20,000 shapes available in solid and hollow. We provide support to machine shops, OEM and support AOG service to airlines, third party maintenace fasilities worldwide.

Alloy and Temper Specified Thickness Ultimate Tensile Ultimate Yield Elongation
    Min Max Min Max  
2024-0 All Thickness   35.0 Ksi   19.0 Ksi 12%
2024-T3511 Up Thru 0.249" 57.0 Ksi   42.0 Ksi   12%
2024-T3511 0.250" - 0.749" 60.0 Ksi   44.0 Ksi   12%
2024-T3511 0.750" - 1.499" 65.0 Ksi   46.0 Ksi   10%
2024-T3511 1.500" and over 70.0 Ksi   52.0 Ksi   10%

2024 Extrusion Catalog

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